
There once was a boy, who happened to be blind, swinging on the playground at his school. As this boy sat swinging, a few yards away was another boy making funny faces and directing rude gestures toward the blind boy on the swing, as the other kids on the playground laughed and pointed as well. The boy making faces did not like the boy on the swing and could not understand that even though the other boy was blind, the blind boy always received better grades than him and was well-liked by the teachers and his classmates.

Swinging next to the blind boy was a lovely young girl, a classmate of both boys. As she watched the boy making faces and rude gestures, she felt sorry for the blind boy because he could not “see” the other boy making fun of him. She felt pain because children can be so cruel and she felt anger toward the boy making fun and her other classmates who were afraid to stand-up to this boy. She felt despair because her blind friend would never be able to “see” the world as it really is.

As the blind boy sat swinging, he smiled silently to himself. He could hear his classmates laughing and doing all the things that children do, and he could “see” the ground below his feet, and knew the pavement would be there to greet him whenever he decided to stop. As he continued to swing higher and faster, he felt the rush of the wind racing against his face and moving each hair upon his head and he experienced the strength of his own fingers as they wrapped around the ice-cube like chains. He pumped his legs in a rhythm that only his body knew, and he took flight across skies his classmates may never know. He felt thankful for the laughter of his classmates, the wisdom of his teachers, the warmth of his friends and the safety of his family. He felt especially thankful for all that he could “see” from the perch of his very own swing.

In this life, we are all in control of what we “see” and to what we pay attention. It is a choice. If one wishes to pay attention to the bullies and the negative situations which life will always offer, there is nothing to stop you. However, there is also nothing to stop you from taking a ride on your own magical swing and “seeing” things that make you feel thankful and happy. Choose wisely.

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