Jeez!!! This week… Phew…

It is funny to me how life works out. I have been working to create a website for myself for the past two weeks… and I literally accomplished nothing. For the last two days, I was planning how I would write my excuse because I had stated on Facebook I would have a website by the end of this week. There was absolutely no way this was going to happen. Just one more small failure I would need to overcome… but it got me down… really down. I was feeling pretty incompetent and not so worthy.

After again working on the website for an hour and a half this morning, I sent a desperate message to Rowan asking if he had an hour to help. He had “all day and was happy to help.” In about two hours, he had put together a pretty amazing website and so much weight just lifted from my shoulders.

This past week, I have been thinking two different thoughts. The first is, “Have friends that make you feel lighter.” I have had some amazing experiences with my friends this week and I am so grateful. Second, “We never really know the true extent of our own personal strength until we experience the lowest depths of our own personal struggles.” If you are struggling right now, you are also building strength. In a way, our struggles are what make us strong. They are a blessing in the same way friends who make you feel more light and free in this life.

if you are struggling, I hope you find the strength you need. If you can’t find the strength on your own, I hope you have a friend who can lift you up.

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