
I was asked today why I do this job? If you really want to know, this is my answer. I care. I care about your family, your friends, your future, your present. I care about your success. I care about your failures. I care about your tears and fears and all those jeers from friends and foes that shape who you are now and contribute greatly to whom you have the ability to become in the future. Most simply stated, I care about you.

I also think education is the answer. I come to this school and walk these halls, many days wishing to be anywhere else (just like you!) and worry and plan and search and think and hope for something, anything, that might inspire the desire. The desire to be something better than you are today. The desire to be an active member in a world community, focused on solutions. The desire and willingness to make this a better world, not only for yourself, but for all.

However, I do not come to this school to teach anything. With your iPads and smartphones and unlimited access to information about which I often know nothing, I am more often the student than I wish to admit. You are smart. Too smart, actually. Even though you have all the answers, I know you don’t always use them wisely. I see this on a daily basis… in the classroom, in the hallways, in the lunchroom, in groups of your friends and in groups of your (perceived) enemies. If I can not offer knowledge, I can only hope to offer guidance.

This is why I do the job I do. I do not walk these halls to pursue fame, fortune and glory. I am not here because I want to climb the corporate ladder. I am here because I care. Sometimes I think I might care too much. I care about you. I care about this world. And I care about what happens to you in this world.