The Brain Heals…

I geek out on the brain… I can not even begin to write words to try and explain how awesome and awe-inspiring I believe the brain really is… It is an absolute wonder and even the most knowledgeable among us have a very limited understanding.

One thing we do know is the brain is constantly changing and “healing.” Neuroplasticity is the ability of the human brain to change and adapt. Although the human brain loses some of its “plasticity” as one ages, it NEVER loses this ability completely! The human brain has over 1,000,000,000 electrical connections. A billion! As these connections fire in an established pattern, they create “neural pathways.” Neural pathways are important in thoughts and feelings and actions.

What I find amazing is that trauma in one’s life definitely forms neural pathways in one’s brain. In many ways, these pathways can be very prominent and “dominate” the functioning of the brain in different ways. Until recently, it was generally accepted that trauma and traumatic experiences “lived” in our brains until we left this Earth.

However, the brain is MUCH MORE resilient than we ever thought. We ABSOLUTELY have the power to “rewire” our brains at any time in our lives. The neural pathways created by trauma can be rewired. The brain CAN create ANY neural pathways you desire! If you allow and do what is needed to help your brain, it WILL heal itself! Your brain is NOT static. It is CONSTANTLY changing and adapting and YOU are the one in control of the neural pathways that are created. So much to think about but something that just leaves me awe-struck. We are all powerful beings with so much more abilities than we might ever realize.