Thank You, Students…

When I was a teacher at a university in China, I used to become very frustrated when my students would say, “But I am just one person. I can’t make a difference. There is nothing I can do.” I worked closely with many highly educated, ambitious and very capable young people. I could not understand how such talented and promising young students could feel such despair, despondency about their ability to shape their own future and change things for the better. It never made sense to me… until recently.

The last few weeks, the world has overwhelmed me. I have wanted to run and hide. I have felt helpless and hopeless about the world in which I live and about my ability to make the world a better place.

I do not like feeling helpless. I do not wish to remain hopeless. I am neither of these.

In talking with some friends this past weekend I was reminded how lucky I really am. I have a job that I love and I am surrounded by the creative, chaotic, crazy, frenetic, mostly laughing mixed with some tears madness that makes up the world of the American teenager. I am surrounded by these kids daily and I love it.

Thank you, students. EVERY student. And please know this, if there is any help I can give, if there is any hope I can offer, all you need to do is ask. It will be done, to the best of my abilities, because we will all need help at some time and we all deserve to feel hopeful about the future.