Unresolved Issues & Trauma…

Recently, (within this last week) I have been forcefully reminded I DEFINITELY have unresolved issues in my life… and they ARE DEFINITELY taking a toll!

How is this possible? I have written a book explaining how one should deal with unresolved issues. I have a podcast where I talk about mental health and different issues in this field and how we can all best take care of ourselves. I work DAILY with people who have experienced significant trauma and other unresolved issues in their lives and I am supposed to be “giving them advice.” How the heck am I supposed to advise others when I can’t even take care of my own issues?

Besides the feelings of being an impostor and worrying about my professionalism as a mental health worker, I have learned something this week also… something I think is VERY, VERY important… at least for me! Unresolved issues, trauma, ANYTHING negative that we give residence in our body and soul for ANY amount of time, whether it is a month or a lifetime, MUST be PHYSICALLY removed from one’s own system.

I have ALWAYS thought I am smart enough and independent enough to deal with whatever I have going on in my life on my own. Just THINK and ANALYZE the problem away and “POOF”… it is gone and dealt with. This past week, I have realized I have been thinking and analyzing this ONE issue in my life for almost HALF my life… it is not only STILL in my life, but in many ways it is destroying me… physically, mentally, and emotionally.

If you, like me, (and we ALL have something) have any unresolved issues or trauma or just anything that is working to destroy your happiness and contentment in this life from the inside out, please, please, please seek out ways to get it OUTSIDE of yourself! The problem with my approach all these years is that all my “thinking and analyzing” has allowed my issue to stay deep within my own existence, where it is VERY, VERY comfortable. I have not done what is needed to get it OUTSIDE… where there are others who can help and care and comfort.

Whatever works best for you; talk-therapy, immersion, confrontation, whatever might work, please don’t keep things inside. Unresolved issues and trauma WANT to remain hidden and secret. Release them. Give them up. They are not meant to be carried… and YOU are meant to be happy, healthy, and content in this life. I wish the best for EACH of us! Please take good care.