Please Listen to the Youth…

If you don’t want to be bit while swimming in the ocean, you should avoid shark-infested waters. 

  • You DO want to find beaches that have taken measures and implemented precautions that limit sharks in the water.
  • You DO NOT want to find beaches that have introduced ways to attract more sharks into the area.

It is time for us to listen to the youth of this country. The youth of this country have been trying to tell us important information about their lives for years, decades even, and even if we have listened, we have not taken the actions needed to make things better. The time has come to make things better.

I do not know if it is possible to stop school shootings in this country. However, I do know this. The more assault rifles that are present in this country, the more likely it is that someone who has ill intentions will have access to this gun. The easier the access to such guns, the higher the likelihood they will be used in such catastrophic situations. This is pretty simple statistics, which I learned in a school where I did not worry about someone attacking myself and my classmates with an assault rifle. I NEVER had that concern.

The children of this country, OUR children, OUR country, are afraid to go to school. They were afraid after Columbine. They were afraid after Sandy Hook. They were afraid last week. They are STILL afraid, and they are telling us about their lives. And we STILL refuse to listen.

More guns makes about as much sense as more sharks. Our children are speaking. Please listen.

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